Friday, August 27, 2010

For Gods Sake Have FUN


Work outs should be work, yes, but its ok to have fun every once in a while

Recently I had hit a wall. My noontime routing had become that, a routine. Id do the same thing day in day out, mindlessly and it was boring me.
In the pursuit of fitness you will hit these walls occasionally. For some it makes them loose interest and stop altogether, and for some you loose the benefits gained because you not hitting it 100%
So how to avoid or fix this

1. Try Crossift--- yep--its constantly varied and always unique you never see the same thing back to back, its a great way to hit different types of muscles each day
2. Mix it up. For example, I was doing a strength bias workout at noon, the same thing each week, so I simply shifted gears and combined a little strength with alot of cardio, and voila it added renewed vigor to my workouts
3. Make the work unique. Recently i joined my buddy Bob who had created this crazy weird routine, it looked fun and interesting so I said what the heck, and you know what it was fun
4. Reevaluate your goals. if youve already set some, its time to take a look and see how far youve come, are you close, if not then any of the above techniques may help.
5. Take a breather. take a few days off, it wont kill you, go for a hike, go camping whatever, do something unique fun or challenging
6. Remember its your life, go have fun

I welcome your tips and techniques for having fun.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Holy Crap I have a Trophy


( No This isn't the actual trophy, but it would be cool )

Ok before you all think this is going to be some sort of Im awesome look at me Puff piece. please read the whole thing. If you know me you know above all else that Im a very humble guy, and I don't brag.

Set goals. then do anything you can to accomplish them. Whether you do or not is not the point, Its the fact that you try, thats what makes you stronger thats what truly counts.

18 months ago before I found crossfit. I was 260 pounds, my days consisted of, wake up, go to work, go home, repeat. I was ok with this. this was the norm, it was comfortable. I wasn't unhappy, I was just complacent, this was the way it was and that was ok. I exercised here and there, did some bicep curls and benched, and attempted to run, I was strong but no where near in shape. I had asthma, and was hooked to my inhaler.
Things changed for me once I found crossfit. I remember the first workout vividly. Linda, Bench, Dead, and Cleans 10-9-8 etc etc. being a strong guy I thought I would crush it, well, I got my ass handed to me, and I fell in love.
Now I know Im wired quite differently than most people. Its hard wired in my DNA, I never ever quit, or give up, Im naturally stubborn, I will keep at something till it either kills me or I conquer it, and I think that's why I fell in love with crossfit. That or my sick desire to see just how far i can push myself. I like to see just how far I can go before I break.I also love Olympic lifting, there is something empowering about being able to make gravity kneel before you, or crush you under his heel, and , its just damn fun.
I joined a local crossfit box, Crossfit Central Maine. Started training hard. Dedicated myself to becoming better. Not just physically, but spiritually and mentally. You see the confidence I gained in the gym transfers to real life. Ive become a more confident person all around, a better Husband, a better Employee, a better Christian, an all around better Man.
By The numbers. After doing crossfit for 18 months or so. I am now, 215 pounds, I dont remember when the last time I took my inhaler was, I run 5ks at least once a month, I can lift 500 pounds off the ground, and have a general lust for life, and all it has for me. Each day is its own day a day full of challenge and wonder. Each moment a Gift from God, with which I make the most of it.
In 2009 I participated in the Maine Fittest Games, I had been crossfitting for a while, and wanted the challenge, wanted to see what I could do wanted to know what it felt like. I did ok, and placed somewhere near the bottom, but at least I tried.
In 2010 I set about to work hard, damn hard, train my ass off. It wasn't about winning, it was more about WHAT AM I CAPABLE OF. How far can I go, how long can I go, how hard can I work. I put in the time and long hours, sore joints and muscles, changed my diet and attacked my weaknesses. Well In 2010 I competed again.
Prior to this I had set some goals for myself. I wanted to place in the top 5 this year.
Well I worked my ass off, and I came in third. Now I know, there are those people who think that anything other than first doesn't matter. Well, your wrong. it all matters. Ive never won a trophy or anything before, and all i can say is, yeah it mattered. Ive never been so invigorated or proud of myself, and no that's not conceited, its perfectly fine to feel good about things you accomplish, and it felt damn good.
So to wrap it all up.
Its not about being first, its not even about winning. Its about setting goals for yourself. breaking down doors that hold you back, smashing in the skulls of those who tell you you Cant or Shouldn't. Whatever it is in life, your weight, your job, stress, marriage, school. Attack it with zest, set goals, smash those goals, work at em, NEVER EVER GIVE UP. Its the pursuit that matters, as long as you try and never quit that's really all that matters. When life throws you a punch, take it, pick yourself up and keep moving, and know the hits will come again. You see that's whats its all about, and that's what Ive learned from crossfit. just keep moving, just get it done, if it doesn't kill you, well guess what your going to get stronger.
So I hope you like this, I don't know if anyone reads this, but its good just to get it all out there.
I hope Ive at least inspired, or influenced one person.

Most people think they cant. So they cant. Start thinking you can, and you will.

Monday, August 16, 2010

4 quarters of Pain


4 rounds 3 exercises each round, 1 minute at each exercise, 3 times through each exercise. 1 minute rest between each set of 3, and 2 minutes between each quarter
Confusing and painful

1st quarter ( BRUTAL Double unders took all my energy away )
KB swing
Double unders

2nd Quarter ( this one wasnt as bad as I thought )
Pushpress 95/65
Box Jumps

3rd Quarter ( Stairs and burpees= pain )
Stair Climb

4th Quarter
Ball Slams

This was a very long and grueling workout

** NOTE ** just following up on my creatine experiment
1- Ive noticed significant increase in recovery time, I recover way quicker now and can perform more WODS
2- I have noticed a slight increase in water retention 2-4 pounds, but Its to be expected as your muscles need to absorb water and creatine to recover, hey Ill take it as long as Im not sore for 3 days

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Train Hard Play Hard


First off.
Congratz to members of Crossfit central maine for competing and doingan awesome job at teh Maine Fittest Games
Karen W, Sue P, Tracy A, and 1st place Jess T.
I also Came in 3rd place, meeting and exceeding my goal of making the top 5
I am so proud of all of you for how hard you worked.

So Now that its OVER I can reflect upon a few things. How to switch up my training and diet to improve performance and eeek out a few more ounces of sweat and pain

Im going to be a bit stricter on Zone blocks, 16-18 a day. Still shooting for lower carb blocks so I can get my bodyweight down to 205 or 210. Ill stick to my Protein shakes, and fruit, and stay away from pasta.
Supplementation- Im experimenting with Creatine, to see if it A. Improves Performance. and B. Increases recovery time
Other than that ill take my usual MultiVitamin. And 6-8 grams of fishoil a day

Daily WOD routines
M,w,F 6am- Crossfit Central Maine WOD

M- Jareds Class ( A crossfit Type class, more running than normal)
OR row 2k, then crossfit Main site WOD, followed by sprints
T- Stretch 5 minutes, Row 2k ( 8 minutes pace ), Squat Practice Med Weights, Back, Front, Overhead, 3 sets of 5, Then Run 1 mile,
Wed--Stretch--Clean and jerk Practice..Every OTHER WEEK Low Impact Rest
TH--Jareds Class
Friday--Stretch 5 min--dead-lift practice -Run 2 miles..Any way you can

The goal here is to supplement strength with endurance to hopefully increase my work capacity and also my stamina.

Post Game reflection
Workout 1- Felt good, I nailed my form and I was technically sound, could have been better at the box-jumps,a nd faster, Just had no wind in the sails
Workout2- DESTROYED me, I have no idea what happened but I just had nothing, I finished with an OK time but could have been much faster
Workout 3- Went exactly like I hoped it would.

I welcome any Comments Questions Musings..ETC ETC